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QHButtonGroup Class Reference

The QHButtonGroup widget organizes QButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row. More...

#include <qhbuttongroup.h>

Inherits QButtonGroup.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Detailed Description

The QHButtonGroup widget organizes QButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row.

QHButtonGroup is a convenience class that offers a thin layer on top of QButtonGroup. Think of it as a QHBox that offers a frame with a title and is specifically designed for buttons.


See also QVButtonGroup, Widget Appearance and Style, Layout Management and Organizers.

Member Function Documentation

QHButtonGroup::QHButtonGroup ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a horizontal button group with no title.

The parent and name arguments are passed to the QWidget constructor.

QHButtonGroup::QHButtonGroup ( const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a horizontal button group with the title title.

The parent and name arguments are passed to the QWidget constructor.

QHButtonGroup::~QHButtonGroup ()

Destroys the horizontal button group, deleting its child widgets.

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